one more issue.
+ /* Always omit quotes from scalar strings. */
+ jsexpr->omit_quotes = (func->quotes == JS_QUOTES_OMIT);
+ /* JSON_VALUE returns text by default. */
+ if (!OidIsValid(jsexpr->returning->typid))
+ {
+ jsexpr->returning->typid = TEXTOID;
+ jsexpr->returning->typmod = -1;
+ }

by default, makeNode(JsonExpr), node initialization,
jsexpr->omit_quotes will initialize to false,
Even though there was no implication to the JSON_TABLE patch (probably
because coerceJsonFuncExprOutput), all tests still passed.
based on the above comment, and the regress test, you still need do (i think)
jsexpr->omit_quotes = true;

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