On 2024-Mar-07, Tomas Vondra wrote:

> I was experimenting with the v42 patches, and I think the handling of ON
> EMPTY / ON ERROR clauses may need some improvement.

Well, the 2023 standard says things like

<JSON value function> ::=
  JSON_VALUE <left paren>
      <JSON API common syntax>
      [ <JSON returning clause> ]
      [ <JSON value empty behavior> ON EMPTY ]
      [ <JSON value error behavior> ON ERROR ]
  <right paren>

which implies that if you specify it the other way around, it's a syntax

> I'm not sure what the SQL standard says about this, but it seems other
> databases don't agree on the order. Is there a particular reason to
> not allow both orderings?

I vaguely recall that trying to also support the other ordering leads to
having more rules.  Now maybe we do want that because of compatibility
with other DBMSs, but frankly at this stage I wouldn't bother.

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"I am amazed at [the pgsql-sql] mailing list for the wonderful support, and
lack of hesitasion in answering a lost soul's question, I just wished the rest
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