On Mon, 15 Jan 2024 at 14:39, Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<kuroda.hay...@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Dear Vignesh,
> Thanks for updating the patch!
> > > 7.
> > > ```
> > > +<programlisting>
> > > +dba@node1:/opt/PostgreSQL/postgres/&majorversion;/bin$ pg_ctl -D
> > /opt/PostgreSQL/pub_data stop -l logfile
> > > +</programlisting>
> > > ```
> > >
> > > Hmm. I thought you did not have to show the current directory. You were 
> > > in the
> > > bin dir, but it is not our requirement, right?
> >
> > I kept this just to show the version being used
> >
> Hmm, but by default, the current directory is not set as PATH. So this example
> looks strange for me.

I have removed the paths shown to avoid confusion.

> Below lines are my comments for v2 patch.
> 01.
> ```
> +   <step id="pgupgrade-step-logical-replication">
> +    <title>Upgrade logical replication clusters</title>
> +
> +    <para>
> +     Refer <link linkend="logical-replication-upgrade">logical replication 
> upgrade section</link>
> +     for details on upgrading logical replication clusters.
> +    </para>
> +
> +   </step>
> ```
> I think we do not have to write it as one of steps. I think we can move to
> "Usage" part and modify like:
> This page only focus on nodes which are not logical replication participant. 
> See
> <link linkend="logical-replication-upgrade"> for upgrading such nodes.

I have removed it from usage and moved it to the description section.

> 02.
> ```
>        with the primary.)  Only logical slots on the primary are copied to the
>        new standby, but other slots on the old standby are not copied so must
>        be recreated manually.
> ```
> A description for logical slots were remained. If you want to keep, we must
> say that it would be done for PG17+.

Mentioned as 17 or later.

> 03.
> I think the numbering seems bit confusing. sectX sgml tags should be used in
> this case. How about formatting like below?
> Upgrade (sect1)
> --- Prerequisites (sect2)
>       --- For upgrading a publisher node  (sect3)
>       --- For upgrading a subscriber node  (sect3)
> --- Examples (sect2)
>       --- Two-node logical replication cluster  (sect3)
>       --- Cascaded logical replication cluster  (sect3)
>       --- Two-node circular logical replication cluster (sect3)

I felt this is better and changed it like:
 30.11. Upgrade
 --- 30.11.1. Prepare for publisher upgrades
 --- 30.11.2. Prepare for subscriber upgrades
 --- 30.11.3. Upgrading logical replication clusters
  --- Steps to upgrade a two-node logical replication cluster
  --- Steps to upgrade a cascaded logical replication cluster
  --- Steps to upgrade a two-node circular logical
replication cluster

> 04.
> Missing introduction in the head of this section. E.g.,
> Both publishers and subscribers can be upgraded, but there are some notes.
> Before reading this section, you should read <xref linkend="pgupgrade"/> page.

Added it with slight changes

> 05.
> ```
> +   <step id="prepare-publisher-upgrades">
> +    <title>Prepare for publisher upgrades</title>
> ...
> ```
> Should we describe in this page that publications can be upgraded in any
> versions?

I felt that need not be mentioned, as these are being upgraded from
earlier versions too

> 06.
> ```
> +   <step id="prepare-subscriber-upgrades">
> +    <title>Prepare for subscriber upgrades</title
> ```
> Same as 5, should we describe in this page that subscriptions can be upgraded
> in any versions?

I felt that need not be mentioned, as these are being upgraded from
earlier versions too

> 07.
> Basic considerations should be described before describing concrete steps.

The steps clearly mention the order in which it should be upgraded,
I'm not sure if we should repeat it again.

> E.g., publishers must be upgraded first. Also: While upgrading a subscriber,
> publisher can accept changes from users.

I  have added this.

> 08.
> ```
> +       two subscriptions sub1_node1_node2 and sub2_node1_node2 which is
> +       subscribing the changes from <literal>node1</literal>.
> ```
> Both "sub1_node1_node2" and "sub2_node1_node2" must be rendered.


> 09.
> ```
> +       <step>
> +        <para>
> +         Initialize data1_upgraded instance by using the required newer
> +         version.
> +        </para>
> ```
> Missing rendering. All similar paragraphs must be fixed.


> 10.
> ```
> +         On <literal>node2</literal>, create any tables that were created in
> +         the upgraded publisher <literal>node1</literal> server between
> +         <link linkend="two-node-cluster-disable-subscriptions-node2">
> +         when the subscriptions where disabled in 
> <literal>node2</literal></link>
> +         and now, e.g.:
> ```
> a.
> I think the link is not correct, it should refer Step 6. Can we add the step 
> number?
> All similar paragraphs must be fixed.

I have kept it as step1 just in case any table is created before the
server is stopped in node1. So I felt it is better to refer to the
step of disabled subscription now.

> b.
> Not sure, but s/where disabled/were disabled/ ?
> All similar paragraphs must be fixed.

This is removed

> 11.
> ```
> +        <para>
> +         Refresh the <literal>node2</literal> subscription's publications 
> using
> +         <link 
> linkend="sql-altersubscription-params-refresh-publication"><command>ALTER 
> +         e.g.:
> +<programlisting>
> +</programlisting>
> +        </para>
> ```
> Not sure, but should we clarify that copy_data must be on?

I have not mentioned here as copy_data by default is true in this case

> 12.
> ```
> +       has two subscriptions sub1_node1_node2 and sub2_node1_node2 which is
> +       subscribing the changes from <literal>node1</literal>. The
> +       <literal>node3</literal> has two subscriptions sub1_node2_node3 and
> +       sub2_node2_node3 which is subscribing the changes from
> ```
> Name of subscriptions must be rendered.


> 13.
> ```
> +        <para>
> +         On <literal>node1</literal>, Create any tables that were created in
> +         <literal>node2</literal> between <link 
> linkend="circular-cluster-disable-sub-node2">
> +         when the subscriptions where disabled in 
> <literal>node2</literal></link>
> +         and now, e.g.:
> +<programlisting>
> +node1=# CREATE TABLE distributors (did integer PRIMARY KEY, name 
> varchar(40));
> +</programlisting>
> +        </para>
> ...
> +        <para>
> +         On <literal>node2</literal>, Create any tables that were created in
> +         the upgraded <literal>node1</literal> between <link 
> linkend="circular-cluster-disable-sub-node1">
> +         when the subscriptions where disabled in 
> <literal>node1</literal></link>
> +         and now, e.g.:
> +<programlisting>
> +node2=# CREATE TABLE distributors (did integer PRIMARY KEY, name 
> varchar(40));
> +</programlisting>
> +        </para>
> ```
> Same tables were created, they must have another name.

For simplicity I used the same tables in all examples. I felt it should be ok

The v3 version patch attached at [1] has the changes for the same.
[1] - 


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