On Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 02:58:55PM -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> I'm not a Windows expert, but my guess is that 0001 is a very good
> idea. I hope someone who is a Windows expert will comment on that.

I am +1 on 0001.  It is just something we've never anticipated when
these wrappers around cmd in pg_ctl were written.

> 0002 seems problematic to me. One potential issue is that it would
> break if someone renamed postgres.exe to something else -- although
> that's probably not really a serious problem.

We do a find_other_exec_or_die() on "postgres" with what could be a
custom execution path.  So we're actually sure that the binary will be
there in the start path, no?  I don't like much the hardcoded
dependency to .exe here.

> A bigger issue is that
> it seems like it would break if someone used pg_ctl to start several
> instances in different data directories on the same machine. If I'm
> understanding correctly, that currently mostly works, and this would
> break it.

Not having the guarantee that a single shell_pid is associated to a
single postgres.exe would be a problem.  Now the patch includes this
+               if (ppe.th32ParentProcessID == shell_pid &&
+                       strcmp("postgres.exe", ppe.szExeFile) == 0)
+               {
+                       if (pm_pid != ppe.th32ProcessID && pm_pid != 0)
+                               multiple_children = true;
+                       pm_pid = ppe.th32ProcessID;
+               }

Which is basically giving this guarantee?  multiple_children should
never happen once the autorun part is removed.  Is that right?

+        * The launcher shell might start other cmd.exe instances or programs
+        * besides postgres.exe. Veryfying the program file name is essential.

With the autorun part of cmd.exe removed, what's still relevant here?

Perhaps 0002 should make more efforts in documenting things like
th32ProcessID and th32ParentProcessID.

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