On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 8:01 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 11:24 PM vignesh C <vignes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > The attached v22 version patch has the changes for the same.
> >
> I have made minor changes in the comments and code at various places.
> See and let me know if you are not happy with the changes. I think
> unless there are more suggestions or comments, we can proceed with
> committing it.

It seems the patch is already close to ready-to-commit state but I've
had a look at the v23 patch with fresh eyes. It looks mostly good to
me and there are some minor comments:

+   tup = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
+   if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
+       ereport(ERROR,
+               errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
+               errmsg("relation %u does not exist", relid));
+   ReleaseSysCache(tup);

Given what we want to do here is just an existence check, isn't it
clearer if we use SearchSysCacheExists1() instead?

+        query = createPQExpBuffer();
+        appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT srsubid, srrelid,
srsubstate, srsublsn"
+                                          " FROM
+                                          " ORDER BY srsubid");
+        res = ExecuteSqlQuery(fout, query->data, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);

Probably we don't need to use PQExpBuffer here since the query to
execute is a static string.

+# The subscription's running status should be preserved. Old subscription
+# regress_sub1 should be enabled and old subscription regress_sub2 should be
+# disabled.
+$result =
+  $new_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
+        "SELECT subenabled FROM pg_subscription ORDER BY subname");
+is( $result, qq(t
+        "check that the subscription's running status are preserved");

How about showing the subname along with the subenabled so that we can
check if each subscription is in an expected state in case where
something error happens?

+# Subscription relations should be preserved
+$result =
+  $new_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
+        "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE srsubid = $sub_oid");
+is($result, qq(2),
+        "there should be 2 rows in pg_subscription_rel(representing
tab_upgraded1 and tab_upgraded2)"

Is there any reason why we check only the number of rows in
pg_subscription_rel? I guess it might be a good idea to check if table
OIDs there are also preserved.

+# Enable the subscription
+$new_sub->safe_psql('postgres', "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub2 ENABLE");

IIUC after making the subscription regress_sub2 enabled, we will start
the initial table sync for the table tab_upgraded2. If so, shouldn't
we use wait_for_subscription_sync() instead?

+# Create another subscription and drop the subscription's replication origin
+        "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION regress_sub4 CONNECTION '$connstr'
PUBLICATION regress_pub3 WITH (enabled=false)"

It's better to put spaces before and after '='.

+my $subid = $old_sub->safe_psql('postgres',
+        "SELECT oid FROM pg_subscription WHERE subname = 'regress_sub4'");

I think we can reuse $sub_oid.


Masahiko Sawada
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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