Hello Nathan,
1. so I don't have to create the script and function manually each
time I want to test mainly the database (instead of the
client-database system)
2. so that new users of PostgreSQL can easily see how much better OLTP
workloads perform when packaged up as a server-side function
I'm not sure we should add micro-optimized versions of the existing scripts
to pgbench. Your point about demonstrating the benefits of server-side
functions seems reasonable, but it also feels a bit like artifically
improving pgbench numbers. I think I'd rather see some more variety in the
built-in scripts so that folks can more easily test a wider range of common
workloads. Perhaps this could include a test that is focused on
server-side functions.
ISTM that your argument suggests to keep the tpcb-like PL/pgSQL version.
It is the more beneficial anyway as it merges 4/5 commands in one call, so
it demonstrate the effect of investing in this kind of approach.
I'm unclear about what variety of scripts that could be provided given the
tables made available with pgbench. ISTM that other scenari would involve
both an initialization and associated scripts, and any proposal would be
bared because it would open the door to anything.
In any case, it looks like there is unaddressed feedback for this patch, so
I'm marking it as "waiting on author."