On Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 7:51 AM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 2:07 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 7:57 AM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> > > Another idea is (which might have already discussed thoguh) that we check 
> > > if the latest shutdown checkpoint LSN in the control file matches the 
> > > confirmed_flush_lsn in pg_replication_slots view. That way, we can ensure 
> > > that the slot has consumed all WAL records before the last shutdown. We 
> > > don't need to worry about WAL records generated after starting the old 
> > > cluster during the upgrade, at least for logical replication slots.
> > >
> >
> > Right, this is somewhat closer to what Patch is already doing. But
> > remember in this case we need to remember and use the latest
> > checkpoint from the control file before the old cluster is started
> > because otherwise the latest checkpoint location could be even updated
> > during the upgrade. So, instead of reading from WAL, we need to change
> > so that we rely on the control file's latest LSN.
> Yes, I was thinking the same idea.
> But it works for only replication slots for logical replication. Do we
> want to check if no meaningful WAL records are generated after the
> latest shutdown checkpoint, for manually created slots (or non-logical
> replication slots)? If so, we would need to have something reading WAL
> records in the end.

This feature only targets logical replication slots. I don't see a
reason to be different for manually created logical replication slots.
Is there something particular that you think we could be missing?

> > I would prefer this
> > idea than to invent a new API/tool like pg_replslotdata.
> +1
> >
> > The other point you and Bruce seem to be favoring is that instead of
> > dumping/restoring slots via pg_dump, we remember the required
> > information of slots retrieved during their validation in pg_upgrade
> > itself and use that to create the slots in the new cluster. Though I
> > am not aware of doing similar treatment for other objects we restore
> > in this case it seems reasonable especially because slots are not
> > stored in the catalog and we anyway already need to retrieve the
> > required information to validate them, so trying to again retrieve it
> > via pg_dump doesn't seem useful unless I am missing something. Does
> > this match your understanding?
> If there are use cases for --logical-replication-slots-only option
> other than pg_upgrade, it would be good to have it in pg_dump. I was
> just not sure of other use cases.

It was primarily for upgrade purposes only. So, as we can't see a good
reason to go via pg_dump let's do it in upgrade unless someone thinks

> >
> > Yet another thing I am trying to consider is whether we can allow to
> > upgrade slots from 16 or 15 to later versions. As of now, the patch
> > has the following check:
> > getLogicalReplicationSlots()
> > {
> > ...
> > + /* Check whether we should dump or not */
> > + if (fout->remoteVersion < 170000)
> > + return;
> > ...
> > }
> >
> > If we decide to use the existing view pg_replication_slots then can we
> > consider upgrading slots from the prior version to 17? Now, if we want
> > to invent any new API similar to pg_replslotdata then we can't do this
> > because it won't exist in prior versions but OTOH using existing view
> > pg_replication_slots can allow us to fetch slot info from older
> > versions as well. So, I think it is worth considering.
> I think that without 0001 patch the replication slots will not be able
> to pass the confirmed_flush_lsn check.

Right, but we can think of backpatching the same. Anyway, we can do
that as a separate work by starting a new thread to see if there is a
broader agreement for backpatching such a change. For now, we can
focus on >=v17.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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