
On 2023-08-12 15:50:24 +1200, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Thanks.  I realised that it's easy enough to test that theory about
> cleanup locks by hacking ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup() to return
> false randomly.  Then the test occasionally fails as described.  Seems
> like we'll need to fix that test, but it's not evidence of a server
> bug, and my signal handler refactoring patch is in the clear.  Thanks
> for testing it!

WRT fixing the test: I think just using VACUUM FREEZE ought to do the job?
After changing all the VACUUMs to VACUUM FREEZEs, 031_recovery_conflict.pl
passes even after I make ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup() fail 100%.


Andres Freund

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