Re: Thomas Munro
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 9:15 PM Christoph Berg <> wrote:
> > No XXX lines this time either, but I've seen then im logfiles that
> > went through successfully.
> Do you still have the data directories around from that run, so we can
> see if the expected Heap2/PRUNE was actually logged?  For example
> (using meson layout here, in the build directory) that'd be something
> like:

Sorry for the late reply, getting the PG release out of the door was
more important.

> $ ./tmp_install/home/tmunro/install/bin/pg_waldump
> testrun/recovery/031_recovery_conflict/data/t_031_recovery_conflict_standby_data/pgdata/pg_wal/000000010000000000000003
> In there I see this:

It's been a long day and I can't wrap my mind around understanding
this now, so I'll just dump the output here.

[0] 16:03 myon@sid-s390x.pgs390x:~/.../build/src/test/recovery $ LC_ALL=C 
 | grep -3 PRUNE > PRUNE.log
pg_waldump: error: error in WAL record at 0/347E6A8: invalid record length at 
0/347E6E0: expected at least 24, got 0

rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):    154/   154, tx:        737, lsn: 
0/03441C58, prev 0/03441C20, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 737, old_off: 14, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 19, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 19, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 1
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        737, lsn: 
0/03441CF8, prev 0/03441C58, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 70, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 1
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    565/   565, tx:        737, lsn: 
0/03441D38, prev 0/03441CF8, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.824209 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     83/    83, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03441F70, prev 0/03441D38, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 737, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 14, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 1
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        738, lsn: 
0/03441FC8, prev 0/03441F70, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 738, old_off: 27, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 32, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 1
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     59/  8211, tx:        738, lsn: 
0/03442030, prev 0/03441FC8, desc: LOCK xmax: 738, off: 1, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x01, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 2 FPW
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/  5686, tx:        738, lsn: 
0/03444060, prev 0/03442030, desc: INSERT off: 4, flags: 0x01, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2840 blk 2 FPW
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    469/   469, tx:        738, lsn: 
0/03449E60, prev 0/03449E20, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.840240 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     53/  3097, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/0344A050, prev 0/03449E60, desc: INPLACE off: 65, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/1259 
blk 7 FPW
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     90/    90, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/0344AC70, prev 0/0344A050, desc: INVALIDATIONS ; relcache init file inval 
dbid 1 tsid 1663; inval msgs: catcache 55 catcache 54 relcache 1259
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):    105/   105, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/0344ACD0, prev 0/0344AC70, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 738, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 25, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], 
unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 2
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        739, lsn: 
0/0344AD40, prev 0/0344ACD0, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 739, old_off: 27, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 31, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 2
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     59/  8179, tx:        739, lsn: 
0/0344AD90, prev 0/0344AD40, desc: LOCK xmax: 739, off: 1, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x01, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 5 FPW
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):   1551/  1551, tx:        739, lsn: 
0/0344CDA0, prev 0/0344AD90, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 739, old_off: 1, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x01, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 23, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 20, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 5
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):    154/   154, tx:        739, lsn: 
0/03454710, prev 0/034546D8, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 739, old_off: 2, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 22, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 21, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        739, lsn: 
0/034547B0, prev 0/03454710, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 132, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 1
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    581/   581, tx:        739, lsn: 
0/034547F0, prev 0/034547B0, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.845341 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     59/    59, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03454A38, prev 0/034547F0, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 739, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 2, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1, 2], unused: [], 
blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03454A78, prev 0/03454A38, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 3, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 22, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/    54, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03454AC8, prev 0/03454A78, desc: LOCK xmax: 740, off: 4, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):   1438/  1438, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03454B00, prev 0/03454AC8, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 4, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 23, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 21, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/    54, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03457BF0, prev 0/03457BB0, desc: LOCK xmax: 740, off: 21, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):   1487/  1487, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03457C28, prev 0/03457BF0, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 21, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 11, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 22, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03458210, prev 0/03457C28, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 77, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 4
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     57/    57, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03458250, prev 0/03458210, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 739, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 1, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [20], unused: [], 
blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 3
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03458290, prev 0/03458250, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 21, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 23, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 3
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/    54, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/034582E0, prev 0/03458290, desc: LOCK xmax: 740, off: 22, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 3
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):    154/   154, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03458318, prev 0/034582E0, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 22, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 12, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 22, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 3
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/034583B8, prev 0/03458318, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 80, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 4
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     91/    91, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/034583F8, prev 0/034583B8, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 737, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 18, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/03458458, prev 0/034583F8, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 20, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 22, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/034584A8, prev 0/03458458, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 21, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 23, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 0
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        740, lsn: 
0/034584F8, prev 0/034584A8, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 740, old_off: 29, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 33, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 1
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):    154/   154, tx:        741, lsn: 
0/0345DBA0, prev 0/0345DB68, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 741, old_off: 15, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 21, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 22, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        741, lsn: 
0/0345DC40, prev 0/0345DBA0, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 179, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 4
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    178/   178, tx:        741, lsn: 
0/0345DC80, prev 0/0345DC40, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.852387 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     71/    71, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/0345DD38, prev 0/0345DC80, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 741, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 8, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 
13, 14, 15], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        742, lsn: 
0/0345DD80, prev 0/0345DD38, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 742, old_off: 16, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 23, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        742, lsn: 
0/0345DDD0, prev 0/0345DD80, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 742, old_off: 17, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 24, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        742, lsn: 
0/0345DE20, prev 0/0345DDD0, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 742, old_off: 18, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 25, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):    754/   754, tx:        745, lsn: 
0/0346D648, prev 0/0346D610, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 745, old_off: 18, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 5, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 24, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 16
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        745, lsn: 
0/0346D940, prev 0/0346D648, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 210, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 4
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    130/   130, tx:        745, lsn: 
0/0346D980, prev 0/0346D940, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.858435 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     65/    65, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/0346DA08, prev 0/0346D980, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 745, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 5, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [14, 15, 16, 17, 
18], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 16
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        746, lsn: 
0/0346DA50, prev 0/0346DA08, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 746, old_off: 19, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 31, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 16
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/    54, tx:        746, lsn: 
0/0346DAA0, prev 0/0346DA50, desc: LOCK xmax: 746, off: 20, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 16
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        746, lsn: 
0/0346DAD8, prev 0/0346DAA0, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 746, old_off: 20, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 32, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 16
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):    269/   269, tx:        746, lsn: 
0/03470970, prev 0/03470938, desc: UPDATE old_xmax: 746, old_off: 3, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x00, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 12, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 24, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 17
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        746, lsn: 
0/03470A80, prev 0/03470970, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 229, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 4
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    242/   242, tx:        746, lsn: 
0/03470AC0, prev 0/03470A80, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.859434 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     63/    63, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03470BB8, prev 0/03470AC0, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 746, 
nredirected: 1, ndead: 2, nunused: 0, redirected: [2->20], dead: [1, 3], 
unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 17
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     76/    76, tx:        747, lsn: 
0/03470BF8, prev 0/03470BB8, desc: HOT_UPDATE old_xmax: 747, old_off: 11, 
old_infobits: [], flags: 0x20, new_xmax: 0, new_off: 21, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2619 blk 17
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/    54, tx:        747, lsn: 
0/03470C48, prev 0/03470BF8, desc: LOCK xmax: 747, off: 12, infobits: 
[LOCK_ONLY, EXCL_LOCK], flags: 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 17
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):     49/  8241, tx:        747, lsn: 
0/03470C80, prev 0/03470C48, desc: FPI_FOR_HINT , blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2840 
fork fsm blk 2 FPW
rmgr: Btree       len (rec/tot):     64/    64, tx:        747, lsn: 
0/03478D20, prev 0/034788B0, desc: INSERT_LEAF off: 38, blkref #0: rel 
1663/1/2696 blk 2
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):    162/   162, tx:        747, lsn: 
0/03478D60, prev 0/03478D20, desc: COMMIT 2023-08-10 01:02:28.860819 UTC; inval 
msgs: catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 catcache 63 
catcache 63
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478E08, prev 0/03478D60, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 748 latestCompletedXid 
747 oldestRunningXid 748
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     63/    63, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478E40, prev 0/03478E08, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nredirected: 2, ndead: 0, nunused: 0, redirected: [20->22, 21->23], dead: [], 
unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 0
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     69/    69, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478E80, prev 0/03478E40, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11009, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 2, 
offsets: [22, 23] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 0
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     67/    67, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478EC8, prev 0/03478E80, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nredirected: 3, ndead: 0, nunused: 0, redirected: [27->32, 29->33, 30->34], 
dead: [], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 1
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     83/    83, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478F10, prev 0/03478EC8, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nplans: 2, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11009, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 2, 
offsets: [33, 34] }, { xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 1, 
offsets: [32] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 1
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     63/    63, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478F68, prev 0/03478F10, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 739, 
nredirected: 2, ndead: 0, nunused: 0, redirected: [27->31, 28->32], dead: [], 
unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 2
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     69/    69, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478FA8, prev 0/03478F68, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 739, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 2, 
offsets: [31, 32] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 2
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     61/    61, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03478FF0, prev 0/03478FA8, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nredirected: 1, ndead: 1, nunused: 0, redirected: [21->23], dead: [22], unused: 
[], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 3
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     67/    67, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479030, prev 0/03478FF0, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11009, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 1, 
offsets: [23] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 3
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):    111/   111, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479078, prev 0/03479030, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 739, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 28, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 
27, 28], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 5
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     97/    97, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/034790E8, prev 0/03479078, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nredirected: 2, ndead: 17, nunused: 0, redirected: [3->22, 5->23], dead: [4, 6, 
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21], unused: [], blkref 
#0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     69/    69, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479150, prev 0/034790E8, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 2, 
offsets: [22, 23] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 6
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     57/    57, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479198, prev 0/03479150, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 740, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 1, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1], unused: [], 
blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 7
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     69/    69, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/034791D8, prev 0/03479198, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 742, 
nredirected: 3, ndead: 1, nunused: 0, redirected: [16->23, 17->24, 18->25], 
dead: [19], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     71/    71, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479220, prev 0/034791D8, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 742, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 3, 
offsets: [23, 24, 25] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 12
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479268, prev 0/03479220, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 748 latestCompletedXid 
747 oldestRunningXid 748
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     57/    57, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/034792A0, prev 0/03479268, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 743, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 1, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [18], unused: [], 
blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 13
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     67/    67, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/034792E0, prev 0/034792A0, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 743, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 6, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 
unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 14
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     63/    63, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479328, prev 0/034792E0, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 744, 
nredirected: 0, ndead: 4, nunused: 0, redirected: [], dead: [5, 6, 7, 8], 
unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 15
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     81/    81, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479368, prev 0/03479328, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 746, 
nredirected: 4, ndead: 5, nunused: 0, redirected: [19->31, 20->32, 21->33, 
22->34], dead: [23, 24, 25, 26, 27], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     73/    73, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/034793C0, prev 0/03479368, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 746, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 4, 
offsets: [31, 32, 33, 34] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 16
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     73/    73, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479410, prev 0/034793C0, desc: PRUNE snapshotConflictHorizon: 747, 
nredirected: 2, ndead: 5, nunused: 0, redirected: [11->21, 13->22], dead: [12, 
14, 15, 16, 17], unused: [], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 17
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     83/    83, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479460, prev 0/03479410, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 747, 
nplans: 2, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11009, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 1, 
offsets: [20] }, { xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 32799, ntuples: 2, 
offsets: [21, 22] }], blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 17
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     93/    93, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/034794B8, prev 0/03479460, desc: FREEZE_PAGE snapshotConflictHorizon: 739, 
nplans: 1, plans: [{ xmax: 0, infomask: 11011, infomask2: 31, ntuples: 14, 
offsets: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] }], blkref 
#0: rel 1663/1/2619 blk 18
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     64/  8256, tx:          0, lsn: 
0/03479518, prev 0/034794B8, desc: VISIBLE snapshotConflictHorizon: 0, flags: 
0x03, blkref #0: rel 1663/1/2619 fork vm blk 0 FPW, blkref #1: rel 1663/1/2619 
blk 18

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