Hi hackers,


The logical replication has different worker "types" (e.g. apply
leader, apply parallel, tablesync).

They all use a common structure called LogicalRepWorker, but at times
it is necessary to know what "type" of worker a given LogicalRepWorker

Once, there were just apply workers and tablesync workers - these were
easily distinguished because only tablesync workers had a valid
'relid' field. Next, parallel-apply workers were introduced - these
are distinguishable from the apply leaders by the value of
'leader_pid' field.


IMO, deducing the worker's type by examining multiple different field
values seems a dubious way to do it. This maybe was reasonable enough
when there were only 2 types, but as more get added it becomes
increasingly complicated.


AFAIK none of the complications is necessary anyway; the worker type
is already known at launch time, and it never changes during the life
of the process.

The attached Patch 0001 introduces a new enum 'type' field, which is
assigned during the launch.


This change not only simplifies the code, but it also permits other
code optimizations, because now we can switch on the worker enum type,
instead of using cascading if/else.  (see Patch 0002).


Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

Attachment: v1-0001-Add-LogicalRepWorkerType-enum.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: v1-0002-Switch-on-worker-type.patch
Description: Binary data

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