On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 09:29:35AM -0500, Tristan Partin wrote:
> On Wed Jul 12, 2023 at 1:06 AM CDT, Michael Paquier wrote:
>> This would use the freeze option only on pgbench_accounts when no
>> partitioning is defined, but my point was a bit different.  We could
>> use the FREEZE option on the teller and branch tables as well, no?
>> Okay, the impact is limited compared to accounts in terms of amount of
>> data loaded, but perhaps some people like playing with large scaling
>> factors where this could show a benefit in the initial data loading.
> Perhaps, should they all be keyed off the same option? Seemed like in
> your previous comment you wanted multiple options. Sorry for not reading
> your comment correctly.

I would have though that --partition should only apply to the
pgbench_accounts table, while FREEZE should apply where it is possible
to use it, aka all the COPY queries except when pgbench_accounts is a
partition.  Would you do something different, like not applying FREEZE
to pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches as these have much less tuples
than pgbench_accounts?

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