On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 5:42 PM Gregory Smith <gregsmithpg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 1:25 PM Gurjeet Singh <gurj...@singh.im> wrote:
>> >     $ pgbench -i -I dtGvp -s 500
>> The steps are severely under-documented in pgbench --help output.
> I agree it's not easy to find information.  I just went through double 
> checking I had the order recently enough to remember what I did.  The man 
> pages have this:
> > Each step is invoked in the specified order. The default is dtgvp.
> Which was what I wanted to read.  Meanwhile the --help output says:
> >  -I, --init-steps=[dtgGvpf]+ (default "dtgvp")
> %T$%%Which has the information without a lot of context for what it's used 
> for.  I'd welcome some text expansion that added a minimal but functional 
> improvement to that the existing help output; I don't have such text.

Please see attached 2 variants of the patch. Variant 1 simply tells
the reader to consult pgbench documentation. The second variant
provides a description for each of the letters, as the documentation
does. The committer can pick  the one they find suitable.

Best regards,

Attachment: variant-2-detailed-description.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: variant-1-brief-pointer-to-docs.patch
Description: Binary data

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