Proposal:  Simply add the %T (PROMPT variable) to output the current time
(HH24:MI:SS) into the prompt.  This has been in sqlplus since I can
remember, and I find it really useful when I forgot to time something, or
to review for Time spent on a problem, or for how old my session is...

I am recommending no formatting options, just keep it simple.  No, I don't
care about adding the date.  If I don't know the date of some line in my
history, it's already a problem!  (And date would logically be some other

Yes, I've found ways around it using the shell backquote.  This is hacky,
and it's also really ugly in windows. I also found it impossible to share
my plpgsqlrc file because between linux and windows.

This would be current time on the local machine.  Keeping it simple.

It feels like a small change.  The simplest test would be to capture the
prompt, select sleep(1.1); and make sure the prompt change.  This code
should be trivially stable.

If it seems useful, I believe I can work with others to get it implemented,
and the documentation changed, and a patch generated.  (I need to develop
these skills)

What does the community say?  Is there support for this?

Regards, Kirk

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