"Jonathan S. Katz" <jk...@postgresql.org> writes:
> Speaking personally, I would like to see what we could do to include 
> support for this batch of the SQL/JSON features in v15. What is included 
> looks like it closes most of the gap on what we've been missing 
> syntactically since the standard was adopted, and the JSON_TABLE work is 
> very convenient for converting JSON data into a relational format. I 
> believe having this feature set is important for maintaining standards 
> compliance, interoperability, tooling support, and general usability. 
> Plus, JSON still seems to be pretty popular :)
> ...
> I hope that these can be addressed satisfactorily in a reasonable (read: 
> now a much shorter) timeframe so we can include the SQL/JSON work in v15.

We have delayed releases for $COOL_FEATURE in the past, and I think
our batting average on that is still .000: not once has it worked out
well.  I think we're better off getting the pain over with quickly,
so I regretfully vote for revert.  And for a full redesign/rewrite
before we try again; based on Andres' comments, it needs that.

                        regards, tom lane

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