
On 2022-07-15 17:28:06 -0700, Jacob Champion wrote:
> On 7/15/22 16:51, Andres Freund wrote:
> > I'd make it dependent on whether there have been previous rounds of feedback
> > or not. If somebody spent a good amount of time reviewing a patch 
> > previously,
> > but then didn't review the newest version in the last few weeks, it doesn't
> > seem useful to remove them from the CF entry. The situation is different if
> > somebody has signed up but not done much.
> If someone put a lot of review into a patchset a few months ago, they
> absolutely deserve credit. But if that entry has been sitting with no
> feedback this month, why is it useful to keep that Reviewer around?

IDK, I've plenty times given feedback and it took months till it all was
implemented. What's the point of doing further rounds of review until then?


Andres Freund

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