Here are my review comments for the v22* patch set.


No comments. LGTM


2.1 doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml

+       Possible origin values are <literal>local</literal> or
+       <literal>any</literal>. The default is <literal>any</literal>.

IMO the word "Possible" here is giving a sense of vagueness.

The origin value must be either <literal>local</literal> or


2.2 src/backend/commands/subscriptioncmds.c

@@ -265,6 +271,29 @@ parse_subscription_options(ParseState *pstate,
List *stmt_options,
  opts->specified_opts |= SUBOPT_DISABLE_ON_ERR;
  opts->disableonerr = defGetBoolean(defel);
+ else if (IsSet(supported_opts, SUBOPT_ORIGIN) &&
+ strcmp(defel->defname, "origin") == 0)
+ {
+ if (IsSet(opts->specified_opts, SUBOPT_ORIGIN))
+ errorConflictingDefElem(defel, pstate);
+ opts->specified_opts |= SUBOPT_ORIGIN;
+ /*
+ * Even though "origin" parameter allows only "local" and "any"
+ * values, the "origin" parameter type is implemented as string
+ * type instead of boolean to extend the "origin" parameter to
+ * support filtering of origin name specified by the user in the
+ * later versions.
+ */
+ opts->origin = defGetString(defel);
+ if ((strcmp(opts->origin, LOGICALREP_ORIGIN_LOCAL) != 0) &&
+ (strcmp(opts->origin, LOGICALREP_ORIGIN_ANY) != 0))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("unrecognized origin value: \"%s\"", opts->origin));
+ }

I was wondering if it might be wise now to do a pfree(opts->origin)
here before setting the new option value which overwrites the
strdup-ed default "any". OTOH maybe it is overkill to worry about the
tiny leak? I am not sure what is the convention for this.


2.3 src/backend/replication/pgoutput/pgoutput.c

@@ -1698,12 +1719,16 @@ pgoutput_message(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx,
ReorderBufferTXN *txn,

- * Currently we always forward.
+ * Return true if the data source (origin) is remote and user has requested
+ * only local data, false otherwise.
 static bool
 pgoutput_origin_filter(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx,
     RepOriginId origin_id)

"user" -> "the user"


2.4 src/include/catalog/pg_subscription.h

+ * The subscription will request the publisher to send any changes regardless
+ * of their origin
+ */

SUGGESTION (remove 'any'; add period)
The subscription will request the publisher to send changes regardless
of their origin.


3.1 Commit message

change 1) Checks and throws an error if 'copy_data = on' and 'origin =
local' but the publication tables were also subscribing from other publishers.

"also subscribing from other publishers." -> "also replicating from
other publishers."


3.2 doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_subscription.sgml

+         <para>
+          There is some interaction between the <literal>origin</literal>
+          parameter and <literal>copy_data</literal> parameter.

"and copy_data parameter." -> "and the copy_data parameter."


3.3 doc/src/sgml/ref/create_subscription.sgml

+         <para>
+          There is some interaction between the <literal>origin</literal>
+          parameter and <literal>copy_data</literal> parameter.

"and copy_data parameter." -> "and the copy_data parameter."


3.4 doc/src/sgml/ref/create_subscription.sgml

+         <para>
+          There is some interaction between the <literal>origin</literal>
+          parameter and <literal>copy_data</literal> parameter. Refer to the
+          <xref linkend="sql-createsubscription-notes" /> for details.
+         </para>

"and copy_data parameter." -> "and the copy_data parameter."


3.5 doc/src/sgml/ref/create_subscription.sgml

@@ -383,6 +398,15 @@ CREATE SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable
    can have non-existent publications.

+  <para>
+   If the subscription is created with <literal>origin = local</literal> and
+   <literal>copy_data = true</literal>, it will check if the
publisher tables are
+   being subscribed to any other publisher and, if so, then throw an error to
+   prevent possible non-local data from being copied. The user can override
+   this check and continue with the copy operation by specifying
+   <literal>copy_data = force</literal>.
+  </para>

For the part "it will check if the publisher tables are being
subscribed to any other publisher...", the "being subscribed to"
sounds a bit strange. Maybe it is better to reword this like you
already worded some of the code comments.

-> "... it will check if the publisher has subscribed to the same
table from other publishers and ..."


3.6 src/backend/commands/subscriptioncmds.c

+ /*
+ * Throw an error if the publisher has subscribed to the same table
+ * from some other publisher. We cannot differentiate between the
+ * local and non-local data that is present in the HEAP during the
+ * initial sync. Identification of local data can be done only from
+ * the WAL by using the origin id. XXX: For simplicity, we don't check
+ * whether the table has any data or not. If the table doesn't have
+ * any data then we don't need to distinguish between local and
+ * non-local data so we can avoid throwing error in that case.
+ */

I think the XXX part should be after a blank like so it is more
prominent, instead of being buried in the other text.


+ /*
+ * Throw an error if the publisher has subscribed to the same table
+ * from some other publisher. We cannot differentiate between the
+ * local and non-local data that is present in the HEAP during the
+ * initial sync. Identification of local data can be done only from
+ * the WAL by using the origin id.
+ *
+ * XXX: For simplicity, we don't check
+ * whether the table has any data or not. If the table doesn't have
+ * any data then we don't need to distinguish between local and
+ * non-local data so we can avoid throwing error in that case.
+ */


3.7 src/test/regress/sql/subscription.sql

Elsewhere, there was code in this patch that apparently accepts
'copy_data' parameter but with no parameter value specified. But this
combination has no test case.


4.1 doc/src/sgml/logical-replication.sgml

+  <sect2 id="add-node-data-present-on-new-node">
+   <title>Adding a new node when data is present on the new node</title>

"when data is present" -> "when table data is present"


4.2 doc/src/sgml/logical-replication.sgml

+   <note>
+    <para>
+     Adding a new node when data is present on the new node tables is not
+     supported.
+    </para>
+   </note>

I think the note text should match the title text (see #4.1)

Adding a new node when table data is present on the new node is not supported.



+   <para>
+    Step-2: Lock the required tables of the new node in
+    <literal>EXCLUSIVE</literal> mode untilthe setup is complete. (This lock is
+    necessary to prevent any modifications from happening on the new node
+    because if data modifications occurred after Step-3, there is a chance that
+    the modifications will be published to the first node and then synchronized
+    back to the new node while creating the subscription in Step-5. This would
+    result in inconsistent data).
+   </para>
+   <para>

typo: "untilthe" -> "until the"

SUGGESTION (just for the 2nd sentence)
This lock is necessary to prevent any modifications from happening on
the new node. If data modifications occurred after Step-3, there is a
chance they could be published to the first node and then synchronized
back to the new node while creating the subscription in Step-5.

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

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