FYI -  I spotted a trivial SQL mistake (?) of the schema publication patch [1].

See the file describe.c, function describeOneTableDetails.
The new SQL has a 3rd UNION that looks like:

"SELECT pubname\n"
"FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication p\n"
"WHERE puballtables AND pg_catalog.pg_relation_is_publishable('%s')\n"
"ORDER BY 1;",
oid, oid, oid, oid);

Notice that there is a table alias "p" but it is never used. It seems
to me like it is just an accidental omission. I think it should be
written like -

"WHERE puballtables AND pg_catalog.pg_relation_is_publishable('%s')\n"
"WHERE p.puballtables AND pg_catalog.pg_relation_is_publishable('%s')\n"

Doing this will make it consistent with the SQL of the nearby "else"
case which uses the same alias as expected.


Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

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