On Monday, October 11, 2021 2:39 PM vignesh C <vignes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> These comments are fixed in the v38 patch attached.

Thanks for updating the patches.
Here are a few comments on the v38-0004-Doc patch.

+  <para>
+   Adding/Setting a table that is part of schema specified in
+   <literal>ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA</literal>, adding/setting a schema to a
+   publication along with same schema's table specified with
+   <literal>TABLE</literal>, adding/setting a schema to a publication that
+   already has a table that is part of specified schema or adding/setting a
+   table to a publication that already has a table's schema as part of
+   specified schema is not supported.

ISTM we can remove the description "adding/setting a schema to a publication
along with same schema's table specified with <literal>TABLE</literal>",
because it seems the same as the first mentioned case "Adding/Setting a table
that is part of schema specified in <literal>ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA</literal>"


+  <para>
+   Add some schemas to the publication:
+ALTER PUBLICATION sales_publication ADD ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA marketing_june, 
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   Add some tables and schemas to the publication:
+  <para>
+   Drop some schemas from the publication:
+  <para>
+   Set some schemas to the publication:
production_september, production_october;

Personally, I think we don't need the example about DROP and SET here.
The example of ADD seems sufficient.

+  </para>
+  <para>
+   Create a publication that publishes all changes for all the tables present 
+   the schema "production":
+CREATE PUBLICATION production_publication FOR ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA production;
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   Create a publication that publishes all changes for all the tables present 
+   the schemas "marketing" and "sales":
+CREATE PUBLICATION sales_publication FOR ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA marketing, sales;

I think the example for publishing all the tables in schemas "marketing" and
"sales" is sufficient, the example for pulishing signal schema seems can be

Best regards,
Hou zj

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