I noticed that doing pgindent with the current typedefs list available
from the buildfarm caused a lot of havoc in what had been stable code.
Looking into the reasons, it seems that:

(1) "bool" is no longer listed as a typedef name (probably because
stdbool.h makes it a macro instead);

(2) "abs", "boolean", "iterator", "other", "pointer", "reference",
"string", and "type" all now are listed as typedef names.

It's probably okay to treat "boolean" as a typedef, but all those others
are complete disasters.  Anyone know where they're coming from?

As for "bool", we could probably deal with that most reliably by
having pgindent add it as a special case.  Maybe we could get it
back in there by having some trailing-edge buildfarm member
contribute typedefs, but that seems like a solution with a rather
limited half-life.

                        regards, tom lane

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