
> 18 марта 2018 г., в 19:02, Michael Banck <michael.ba...@credativ.de> 
> написал(а):
> Otherwise, I had a quick look over v4 and found no further issues.
> Hopefully I will be able to test it on some bigger test databases next
> week.
> I'm switching the state back to 'Waiting on Author'; if you think the
> above points are moot, maybe switch it back to 'Needs Review' as Andrey
> Borodin also marked himself down as reviewer and might want to have
> another look as well.

Yep, i'm already doing another pass on the code again. Hope to finish tomorrow.
My 2 cents, there's typo in the word "connections"
+     <literal>template0</literal> is by default not accepting connetions, to

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

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