On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 1:42 PM, Victor Wagner <vi...@wagner.pp.ru> wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Feb 2018 11:43:34 +0100
> Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> wrote:
> > I'm unsure why this was introduced in 9.5 and earlier, but not in the
> > newer ones.  This smells like a possible backpatch mistake, in which
> > case that part should probably be backed out of the old branches
> > rather than teaching mkvcbuild about it.
> Patch for Mkvcbuild.pm is actually quite simple (see attach)

Does not apply cleanly to 9.5 at least for me. Probably easy to fix, but I
still feel we shouldn't mess around with the buildsystem in back branches
unless we actually have to.

Really, I have more complicated patch, which supports recursive
> substitution as gmake does. It was developed to simplify inclusion of
> PGXS extensions into contrib tree. (authors of modern extension often
> use complex Makefile constructs).

That's of course not going to get backpatched.

> I've not presented it to community because I hoped that current MSVC
> build system would be soon replaced by cmake.

I don't know how you define "soon". Some people have been saying "soon" for
almost 10 years on that, so I wouldn't hold my breath :P

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: https://www.hagander.net/ <http://www.hagander.net/>
 Work: https://www.redpill-linpro.com/ <http://www.redpill-linpro.com/>

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