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Jonah H. Harris wrote:
> All of us have noticed the anti-MySQL bashing based on problems with
> MySQL 3.23... Berkus and others (including yourself, if I am correct),
> have corrected people on not making invalid comparisons against
> ancient versions.  I'm only doing the same where Oracle, IBM, and
> Microsoft are concerned.

My, my, I fear my asbestos are trying to feel warm inside ;)

Well, there is not much MySQL bashing going around. And MySQL 5 has
enough "features" and current MySQL AB support for it is so "good", that
there is no need to bash MySQL based on V3 problems. MySQL5 is still a
joke, and one can quite safely predict the answers to tickets, with well
over 50% guess rate.

(Hint: I don't consider the answer: "Redo your schema" to be a
satisfactory answer. And philosophically, the query optimizer in MySQL
is near perfect. OTOH, considering the fact that many operations in
MySQL still have just one way to execute, it's easy to choose the
fastest plan, isn't it *g*)

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