On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 05:32:25AM -0700, Jon Clements wrote:
> have a .NET driver that has a FetchSize option which allows the above
> (say returning 10k rows at a time without holding them all in memory);
> I'm not sure though if that's a property of the driver / server, as
> none of the other interfaces I have seem to include it. It just makes

I expect it's the driver doing cursor work for you without you
needing to make it happen explicitly.  I think some interations of
the JDBC driver do something similar, but I can't recall for certain
(and I'm not looking at the docs right now).  Anyway, if it _is_
doing a cursor for you behind the scenes, that's almost certainly
what you want.

Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The year's penultimate month" is not in truth a good way of saying
                --H.W. Fowler

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