
Am not sure if this is something we've done wrong or maybe a bug.

Whenever any kind of query is done on the table below, this is the

ispdb_vxe=> select * from pm.carrier_on_13642;
ERROR:  cache lookup failed for type 0

I first noticed it when I noticed that the regular backups were failing
- pg_dump gives the same output and stops.

I have tried
1. postgresql restart
2. vacuum full on the table
3. reindex of the table

I am using Postgres 8.2.3 running on Centos Linux 4.4.

Is there anything I can do to recover this table?

Is there any danger in dropping the table if it cannot be recreated?

Should this be reported as a bug? (although I have no clue as to how it
got into this state).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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