"Michael Harris \(BR/EPA\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> None of the typeid atttypid fields were 0:

Hmm, but you've got a couple of bigint-array columns:

>    167581 | pmtransmittedcarrierpower |     1016 |            -1 |
> -1 |      4 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | x
> | d        | f          | f         | f            | f          |
> 1
>    167581 | pmaveragerssi             |     1016 |            -1 |
> -1 |      5 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | x
> | d        | f          | f         | f            | f          |
> 1

So that leads to a theory I didn't think of before, which is that this
is not catalog corruption but data corruption.  Array values include the
type OID of their elements (to allow a single array_out function to
print the contents of any array value).  If you had a row in which one
of these fields had got zeroed out somehow, the error would be

> What does "ERROR: cache lookup failed for type 0" mean?

It means some bit of code tried to look up a pg_type entry for type OID 0,
which can't possibly be a valid type OID.  So wherever the bit of code
got that OID from is corrupted.

You could possibly learn a bit more by doing "\set VERBOSITY verbose"
in psql before provoking the error; that would tell you exactly which
bit of code is trying to look up the bad OID.  Using gdb to get a stack
trace from the errfinish call would be even more informative, if you
have a debug-enabled build.  But I suspect at this point that it's a
corrupt-data problem and you should attack it on the basis of figuring
out just which row contains the bad value, so you can fix or delete it.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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