Inching closer; the following handles the dupe key error but doesn't insert the rows it should either. So, the exception is ending the insert, and not continuing to insert for rows that don't violate the unique key restraint. Is there a way around this or will I need to take a different approach?
CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."tproc_handle_item_active"() RETURNS "pg_catalog"."trigger" AS $BODY$ DECLARE rec_item record; int_org_id integer; BEGIN -- whenever an item is set active; create entries in the following table: -- t_koaitem if new.item_active = true and old.item_active = false then select * into rec_item from t_item where item_id = new.item_id; int_org_id = rec_item.item_org_id; BEGIN insert into t_koaitem (koai_koa_id, koai_item_id, koai_item_locked, koai_user_idm) SELECT t_koa.koa_id, t_item.item_id, false as lockstatus, t_item.item_user_idm FROM t_item INNER JOIN t_koa ON t_item.item_org_id = t_koa.koa_org_id WHERE (((t_item.item_active)=True) AND ((t_koa.koa_koastatus_id)=2 Or (t_koa.koa_koastatus_id)=3) AND ((t_item.item_org_id)=int_org_id)); EXCEPTION when unique_violation then -- do nothing? END; end if; return null; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; -- View this message in context: Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?