Maybe you can use a "LEFT OUTER JOIN" ...

CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."tproc_handle_item_active"()
RETURNS "pg_catalog"."trigger" AS
      rec_item record;
      int_org_id integer;


      -- whenever an item is set active; create entries in the following
      -- t_koaitem

      if new.item_active = true and old.item_active = false
          select * into rec_item from t_item
          where item_id = new.item_id;

          int_org_id = rec_item.item_org_id;

          insert into t_koaitem (koai_koa_id, koai_item_id,
koai_item_locked, koai_user_idm)
          SELECT t_koa.koa_id, t_item.item_id, false as lockstatus,
          FROM t_item INNER JOIN t_koa ON t_item.item_org_id =
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN t_koaitem ON (koaitem_koa_id =
t_koa.koa_id AND koaitem_item_id = t_item.item_id)
          WHERE (((t_item.item_active)=True)
                AND ((t_koa.koa_koastatus_id)=2 Or
                AND ((t_item.item_org_id)=int_org_id)
                AND (t_koaitem.koaitem_item_id IS NULL AND koaitem_item_id
      end if;
      return null;


2007/5/21, novnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

No and update would not be needed; but the capability would be close
I'd just skip the update, do nothing for that record.

But from the sound of it, the example you're suggesting involves a loop or
something of that order. I could have written this using a loop but
a bulk operation that essentially worked like "insert new rows for the set
and while doing so, silently skip inserts which would cause dupe key
violations". I explained all of this in the earlier messages. I thought it
might be more effenient to handle without a loop. I've been able to do
kind of thing with other databases; essentially instruct the routine to
ignore errors silently, commit what it can commit.

Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
> On 21/05/2007 05:26, novnov wrote:
>> OK, but, how do I set this up to do what I need? I want an insert that
>> would
>> create a dupe key to be rolled back, and inserts that would not create
>> dupe
>> keys to be committed.
> Do you specifically need it in a trigger? I seem to recall an example in
> the docs for pl/pgsql demonstrating a function to do something like this
> - I think it tries an INSERT, and when a duplicate key raises an
> exception, it does an update instead. - You could easily adapt this to
> your purposes.
> Ray.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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William Leite Araújo
Analista de Banco de Dados - QualiConsult

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