In an attempt to throw the authorities off his trail, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik 
Jones) transmitted:
> On Mar 14, 2007, at 6:17 PM, CAJ CAJ wrote:
>           Hello,
>      What is the lifecycle of a 8.0/8.1/8.2 releases? With 8.3 scheduled to 
> be released in July, what will be the status of the 7.4.x
>      branch?
>      We are planning pg upgrades from 8.0.x/7.4.x to 6.2.x and were wondering 
> if it's worth waiting for the 8.3 release.
> I really hope you meant upgrades to 8.2.x.  And, no, it's not worth
> waiting.  Upgrade at the soonest available opportunity, expecially
> the 7.4.x servers.

I hope so too; if performance isn't a direct issue, and doing upgrades
is seriously inconvenient, it might well be worth waiting for 8.3.

We've got some little databases around here and there which don't
*NEED* upgrading from any perspective other than that we'd loosely
prefer to be on "modern" versions of PostgreSQL.

For a small "web contacts" database, or for a lightly loaded MRTG-like
application, an upgrade may not actually be very valuable.
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || '';
"I'm sure that nobody here would dream of  misusing the Arpanet.  It's
as unthinkable as fornication, or smoking pot."  -- RMS

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