Bruce Momjian wrote:
> As the owner of a 1986 Toyota Celica, I can accept the argument that a
> newer car with slightly brighter paint might not be worth the switch.
> However, considering the number of features proposed for 8.3, we might
> not have 8.3 final until September/October.

That may change the playing field and as of yet that is not even a
consideration. The current plan (which is what we must base our
decisions on) is that we will release in June/July.

>  I am not saying that will
> happen, but it is certainly possible.  And we are now publicly stating
> our proposed 8.3 release date, so we might be inundated with "Where is
> 8.3" questions in August --- again just a possibility.

Sure but going on speculation isn't worth it. The community has stated,
hey this is a our goal. We plan around that goal. If the goal changes,
then we reassess.


Joshua D. Drake


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