How can I assign execute permission to a role for a single function
inside schema.
For example
I create schema example;
function example.simple_select()
and user test_user;
If I grant usage on schema example to user test_user as
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA example TO test_user;
I can do select * from example.simple_select();
But I don't want this user to be able to select from other functions, so I
want something like
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION example.simple_select() TO test_user;
but unless the user has usage rights on schema example he can't select
from this function;
I'm using SECURITY DEFINER so that user can execute function without
permissions for
single commands.
Is this a bug or something?
because grant usage on schema doesn't assume select rights on views and
tables, but it does on functions.
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