Suppose I have a database table with 20 fields which are lookups to a single table.
configtable(configtable_id, a_field, something_lookup_id, another_lookup_id, ...) lookup(lookup_id, value, description, ...) what is going to be faster to map the rows to an Object which needs the 'value' for every field ending in lookup_id a) View select c.configtable_id, l1.value as something_lookup, l2.value as another_lookup from configtable c, lookup l1, lookup l2 where c.something_lookup_id = l1.lookup_id and c.another_lookup_id = l2.lookup_id foreach row map values to object end b) Cache all lookup values and populate select c.* from configtable foreach row map values to object if lookup_id find value from hashtable and map value to object endif end It seems that the latter *might* be better to scale outward better, as you could add application servers to do the caching/mapping and you only select from a single table? ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?