I'm a newbie in Oracle and postgreSQL, i'm need to translate the following script (in Oracle) to postgreSQL :
rem Autorisation des lignes vides : set sqlbl on rem Initialisation du timer : set timing on rem Creation de la table : CREATE TABLE "LEPAPE"."EXPERIENCE"( "EXP_ID" VARCHAR2(16) NOT NULL, "MEASURE" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, "THRESHOLD" NUMBER NOT NULL, "NB_NODES" NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, "TOTAL_TIME" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, "SC_ID" NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, "GRANULARITY" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "SYS_C009967" CHECK(measure in ('age', 'num','order'))) Thanks! ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org/