On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 11:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I'm a newbie in Oracle and postgreSQL, > i'm need to translate the following script (in Oracle) to postgreSQL : > > rem Autorisation des lignes vides : > set sqlbl on
You don't need this, postgresql doesn't choke on extra lines. > rem Initialisation du timer : > set timing on -- Change this to \timing if you're gonna use psql to run the script: \timing > rem Creation de la table : becomes -- Creation de la table : Now, we need to use real SQL 99 types here, or specific postgresql types. And don't quote unless you need to. PostgreSQL folds to lower case, not upper case, so if you quote upper case here, you'll always have to quote in the future. Better to just not quote, in my humble opinion. So, "LEPAPE" will become lepape VARCHAR2(16) will become varchar(16) NUMBER will become either decimal or numeric NOT NULL is still NOT NULL and the check constraint will look the same too. again unless you require upper case, leave the SYS_C009967 lower case, and better yet, give it a useful name, like lepape_measure_check CREATE TABLE "LEPAPE"."EXPERIENCE"( "EXP_ID" VARCHAR2(16) NOT NULL, "MEASURE" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, "THRESHOLD" NUMBER NOT NULL, "NB_NODES" NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, "TOTAL_TIME" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, "SC_ID" NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, "GRANULARITY" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "SYS_C009967" CHECK(measure in ('age', 'num','order'))) ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq