>-----Original Message-----
>From: Martijn van Oosterhout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: vrijdag 23 februari 2007 9:50
>To: Joris Dobbelsteen
>Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] complex referential integrity constraints
>On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 12:41:25AM +0100, Joris Dobbelsteen wrote:
>> >Reasonably. I have no idea what visibility rules would make any 
>> >difference at all. AIUI a foreign key just takes a shared 
>lock on the 
>> >referenced row and all the magic of MVCC makes sure the row exists 
>> >when the transaction completes.
>> Try this:
>> (sorry for any typo's in SQL, if they exist)
>Well, I took a look at the RI code and the only stuff I saw 
>that looked interesting was this:
>        if (IsXactIsoLevelSerializable && detectNewRows)
>        {
>                CommandCounterIncrement();              /* be 
>sure all my own work is visible */
>                test_snapshot = CopySnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot());
>                crosscheck_snapshot = 
>        }
>It then proceeds to use that snapshot to execute the query to 
>get the share lock.
>It's probably true that other PL's can't do this directly. Not 
>sure how to deal with that. I got confused because I thought 
>the first version of RI did use straight pl/pgsql functions, 
>so I thought that was enough.

You got it right...

 * SPI_execute_snapshot -- identical to SPI_execute_plan, except that we
 * the caller to specify exactly which snapshots to use.  This is
 * not documented in spi.sgml because it is only intended for use by RI
 * triggers.
 * Passing snapshot == InvalidSnapshot will select the normal behavior
 * fetching a new snapshot for each query.
SPI_execute_snapshot(void *plan,
                                         Datum *Values, const char
                                         Snapshot snapshot, Snapshot
                                         bool read_only, long tcount)

They got the point right: only intended for use by RI triggers. That's
exactly the type I'm trying to build ;)
They are exposed to the C versions (its in include/executor/spi.h), but
to me it looks a bit cumbersome to have triggers written in C.

What would be a good way to expose this to normal PL triggers? Since
this would open a new set of possibilities...

As part of a "create trigger ... for referencial integrity"?
As an extension to a statement?
Special construct in the languages?

- Joris

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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