to attack eachother.
> Depending on what you're modelling, even this could be too simple -- for
> example, while a single wolf is unlikely to attack a lion, a pack of
> wolves have a lot more probability of doing so.
> Do you keep packs of wolves in your barn?  If so, watch your lions.

Well from the previous thread that discussed the use of the <animal> table and 
sub-set tables
<prey> and <preditor>, if a preditor can attach a prey item or preditor item, 
then a table
relation only needs to be created between <preditor> and <animal>.  This way 
only preditors can
attack, but they can attach any other animal preditor or prey.

Richard Broersma Jr.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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