>>> The default on *all* windows versions since NT 4.0 (which is when the >>> directory we use was added) will put this file in a protected directory. >>> The only case when it's not protected by default is if you're usnig FAT >>> filesystem, in which case there is nothing you can do about it anyway. >>> On unix, the file will often be created in outside-readable mode by >>> default, depending on how your OS is set up. > > I believe that .pgpass on *nix won't be used if it is readable by anyone > except the current user.
No, root can always read it. On unix, there is one "root". On windows, the concept of administrator is less clear. > From the docs - > The permissions on .pgpass must disallow any access to world or group; > achieve this by the command chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass. If the permissions are > less strict than this, the file will be ignored. (The file permissions > are not currently checked on Microsoft Windows, however.) > > I would think that if they are using FAT filesystem (which is only > partially supported for developers benefit) then they can't use pgpass. If they are using FAT, the obviously don't care about the security of the system anyway, so it's not a problem, IMHO. So we only have to care about people who use NTFS. >>> So to reach a situation where the file lives in an unprotected >>> directory, you must actively open up the directory in question. Which is >>> hidden from default view, so you really need to know what you're >>> doing to >>> get there. >>> >>> Not to mention it's a pain to define what permissions are ok and what >>> are not. We're talking ACLs and not filemodes - so how do you decide >>> which accounts are ok to have access, and which are not? > > I would say the same as the *nix version - if it is readable or writable > by anyone except the current user it is potentially at risk, the current > user connecting to pgsql is the only use for this file. > Which I believe is the whole point of the TODO entry, stop anyone using > the pgpass file without proper security. Again, it's a lot harder to actually define it on Windows. What if your user has access only through a group? What about DENY permissions. Things like that. > The other thing to consider is that pgpass is the file referenced by > PGPASSFILE - the user can set this to point to a file anywhere on any > drive available. That's a very valid point though, didn't think about that. Still doesn't take away the "how" part, though, but it does take away part of the "why" part. //Magnus ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match