Dave Page wrote:
> Magnus Hagander wrote:
>> Just to make things clear, this wouldn't be about another auth method.
>> Windows has an API to store arbitrary passwords in a "secure way". At
>> least it does in XP+, not sure if it was in 2000.
> Would it really solve Tony's problem though? I'm not familiar with the
> API you're thinking of, but do be useful to us it must be able to give
> the unencrypted passwords back to us, and therefore anything else
> pretending to be us.

yeah, but it pops up a GUI notification for you. It's what IE uses to
store things like passports. It's also used, IIRC, by the new RDP client
that's available, and a few more.
Did a quick check, and it's XP/2003 only. See


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