Dave Page wrote:
Oisin Glynn wrote:
My 8.2c,
Having 8.1 end of life this soon after the release of 8.2 seems pretty harsh.

Yeah, I agree. In part I'm basing the idea to support the current and 2 previous branches on the amount of work required to build a complete set of point releases in one go - 3 seems manageable over a weekend. 4 would probably be possible, but would be more rushed than I'd like.

I don't see a problem if the updates for the current and previous release binaries are available on the current schedule and older release update binaries are available a few days to a week later.

The other option is to extend the time allocated between the decision to OK the releases and making the binaries available.

For example we could say source release available friday with 8.2.x and 8.1.x binaries available monday then 8.0.x and 7.4.x binaries available thursday or friday.

A lot of users may download the releases as they come out but most with production servers won't be installing them the same day.


Shane Ambler

Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz

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