Tom Lane wrote:
> Oisin Glynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Anyway I think that a fair case could be made for dropping the 8.0
>>> branch now, and maybe 8.1 too, as far as Windows support goes.
>> My 8.2c,
>> Having 8.1 end of life this soon after the release of 8.2 seems pretty 
>> harsh.
> That's fine, I just wanted to run that idea up the flagpole and see if
> anyone would salute.  The important point is that no one has spoken
> against retiring 8.0-on-Windows now.  (Don't tell me people actually
> listened to us when we said not to run production with it ;-))

They didn't, but those of us they call quickly made them upgrade ;)


Joshua D. Drake


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