2006/11/23, Arnaud Lesauvage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Arnaud Lesauvage a écrit :
> Brandon Aiken a écrit :
>> It also might be a big/little endian problem, although I always thought that
was platform specific, not locale specific.
>> Try the UCS-2-INTERNAL and UCS-4-INTERNAL codepages in iconv, which should
use the two-byte or four-byte versions of UCS encoding using the system's default
endian setting.
> Guys, it worked !!!!
> UCS-4-INTERNAL was the right choice !!!
> I love you all !
> (now I just have an out of memory problem, but that's going
> to be a new thread)
Guys, it did not work !!! :(
I thought it worked because postgres seemed to be loading
the file and failing at the end with an "out of memory"
error, but in fact I think the conversion remove all
end-of-line characters (one line of 1.5GB was too much for
Still searching !
It will take you a day or two to get started, and then a day or two to
get the job done, but you really might want to look into kettle or
some other ETL tool to do the job.
It looks to me like you're trying to screw in a screw using a hammer.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not