Arnaud Lesauvage a écrit :
Brandon Aiken a écrit :
It also might be a big/little endian problem, although I always thought that 
was platform specific, not locale specific.

Try the UCS-2-INTERNAL and UCS-4-INTERNAL codepages in iconv, which should use 
the two-byte or four-byte versions of UCS encoding using the system's default 
endian setting.

Guys, it worked !!!!
UCS-4-INTERNAL was the right choice !!!

I love you all !

(now I just have an out of memory problem, but that's going
to be a new thread)

Guys, it did not work !!! :(
I thought it worked because postgres seemed to be loading the file and failing at the end with an "out of memory" error, but in fact I think the conversion remove all end-of-line characters (one line of 1.5GB was too much for COPY...).

Still searching !


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