Magnus Hagander wrote:
Is there any way to count how many hits I got in a cursor in PL/pgsql?
I have a function that will "window" through the result of a (large)
query based on two parameters, but I also want to return the number of
hits to the client. Right now I'm looping through the entire cursor and
incrementing a local variable, which I later return (along with the
first <n> records in the resultset) to the client. But this seems
horribly inefficient... I'd just like to ask "how many rows are in this
cursor", is there a way to do that without looping through them all?
Not really - that's the point of a cursor, after all. If possible, the
planner should give you the first row before it has all of them, so it
might not even know.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings