louis gonzales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Hey Brian,
> Yeah I had considered this, using cron, I just feel like that is too dirty.


> Actually I didn't see Andreas' post, can someone forward that?

Sorry, i posted to the list, and i can see my mail.

> I'm running this application on Solaris 9.  Ultimately what I want to know 
> is, is there something that is internal to postgresql that can be used that 
> doesn't need external action, to make it do some task?

Take a look at http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pgjob/

> Am I making any sense with how I'm asking this?  I could of course have 
> cron do a scheduled task of checking/incrementing/decrementing and define 
> triggers to occur when one of the cron delivered actions sets the 
> appropriate trigger off, but are there other methods that are standard in 
> the industry or are we stuck with this type of external influence?

I'm using PG on Linux-systems and use CRON for any tasks, without any
problems. I can't understand your dislike...

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