On 11/2/06, louis gonzales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Brian,
Yeah I had considered this, using cron, I just feel like that is too dirty.
Actually I didn't see Andreas' post, can someone forward that?
I'm running this application on Solaris 9. Ultimately what I want to
know is, is there something that is internal to postgresql that can be
used that doesn't need external action, to make it do some task?
Your original scenario had an external action, instructor login. The
daily increment is the days since account creation.
Since we don't have triggers based on login, you maybe could tickle a
function from your front-end that would simply look for students with
account age > 30 and not paid whenever the instructor logs in.
Short of that, an OS based scheduler (AT, cron, etc.) is your only
choice I can think of
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