On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 20:50 +0300, gustavo halperin wrote:
> I'm interesting in a partial index for a rows that aren't older than 6 
> mounts, something like the sentence below:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     /CREATE INDEX name_for_the_index ON table (the_column_of_type_date) 
>     WHERE ( the_column_of_type_date > (current_date - interval '6 
> month')::date );/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> But this is not posible, I receive the next error:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    ERROR:  functions in index predicate must be marked IMMUTABLE
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So, what is the best solution for my problem?

Create an index on the table, and then periodically move records into a
separate archive table.

        Jeff Davis

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