On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 00:19 +0300, gustavo halperin wrote: > > Create an index on the table, and then periodically move records into a > > separate archive table. > > > > Regards, > > Jeff Dave > Thanks, but I have a question. If the table is a BIIIIIIG table, use > your solution is still a good idea ?? What about to create a partial > INDEX for the really current date (and not using the function > current_date) and periodically dropped and created it with the current > day again and again ?? >
If you continue to drop and recreate an index like that, it will need to scan the table during the creation of the index. That will take a while on a large table. You might be better off just using a normal index. To search the index only takes log(n) time. What problem are you currently having with a normal index? The downside of a normal index on a large table is that the index will grow large and consume space. I think the solution is to move seldom- accessed records to a separate archive table. That way, you don't ever have to scan the archive table unless you do a search in the archives. Regards, Jeff Davis ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster