When I make juste a simple insert like
Insert Into my_table (my_field) values ('value')
I get back the OID of the inserted line.
But when i use the prepareInsert fonction, I get nothing back. That's a pprobleme becaus i need to take the primary key of the line inserted in order to make post-operations.
I can't use the curval of a sequence because it can be the value of another insert made by another user.
I use a prepare function because it's really faster (I need to insert many entries, nearly 5000) and i look for any way to make it faster and get the primary key of all the line inserted.
2006/8/1, Michael Fuhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 06:19:29PM +0200, phazon wrote:
> I juste want to get the OID of the line inserted. Does anyone know how to do
> it ?
It depends on the client interface. What interface are you using?
OIDs are deprecated as row identifiers; the preferred method is to
use a sequence (serial column). To get a sequence's value you can
use currval() or lastval() (the latter available in 8.1).
Michael Fuhr