On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 09:25:43AM +0200, phazon wrote:
> I use PHP.
> When I make juste a simple insert like
> Insert Into my_table (my_field) values ('value')
> I get back the OID of the inserted line.
> But when i use the prepareInsert fonction, I get nothing back. That's a
> pprobleme becaus i need to take the primary key of the line inserted in
> order to make post-operations.

The PHP source code has no prepareInsert function -- are you using
a third-party module?  If so then try contacting that module's
maintainer.  But as I mentioned previously and as Martijn pointed
out, OIDs aren't suitable as primary keys.  See the documentation
and FAQ:


> I can't use the curval of a sequence because it can be the value of another
> insert made by another user.

As Martijn and Chris mentioned, currval() is safe in this respect.
Its behavior is documented and is the subject of an FAQ item:


Michael Fuhr

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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