> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Lane
> Sent: 22 March 2006 21:31
> To: Tony Caduto
> Cc: Devrim GUNDUZ; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] question about the admin contrib 
> module and binary 
> Tony Caduto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I understand it was created by the pgAdmin project, but 
> don't you think 
> > it would be better to be with the rest of the contrib modules?
> Except it isn't one of the contrib modules.  The fact that 
> you think of
> it as being like them doesn't make it one of them.

Well in fairness to Tony we do refer to it as a 'contrib' module, but
that's because it uses the contrib build system (or PGXS in SVN trunk).

> > I and many others don't want to install a pgadmin rpm on a 
> server that
> > has no GUI, that would not make any sense at all.
> Which is one very good reason why it should be a separate RPM, no?  If
> it were in the contrib RPM then you could not install that 
> RPM *at all*
> on a machine that didn't have all of pgadmin's dependencies.  I don't
> know offhand what its dependencies are, but I'd imagine they include a
> fair number of "GUI" packages.

Yeah - wxWidgets, GTK etc. but none are required by the admin module,
only by pgAdmin itself on the users workstation. Devrim has said he will
build it as a separate RPM - in the meantime a source tarball can be
downloaded from http://www.pgadmin.org/download/adminpacks.php, or the
PGXS compatible versions can be found in SVN under

Regards, Dave

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