"Dave Page" <dpage@vale-housing.co.uk> writes:
> Yeah - wxWidgets, GTK etc. but none are required by the admin module,
> only by pgAdmin itself on the users workstation.

Oh, so what we're talking about is some server-side support functions
for the pgAdmin client?  OK, that's not what I was envisioning.  From
a dependency standpoint it might be OK to package that as a contrib
module.  I would say the main point for or against is whether you are
ready to tie the releases of the support functions to releases of the
core server.  If they should naturally go with pgAdmin releases then
it'd be sticky to have them in contrib.

There's also a licensing issue which is that pgAdmin is GPL, while
we're trying to make sure that all contrib modules are licensed
the same as the core server.

                        regards, tom lane

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